
  • This is the perfect token of healing to pass on to your loved one. An intricately detailed portrait of the Archangel Raphael is displayed on one side of the receipt with Archangel Rafael's words on the other.
    • 7/8" high x 5/8" wide
    • Made of high-quality pewter
    • Token reads: Archangel Raphael
  • The howlite stone is one of emotional healing. It has vibrations that directly resonate with the root and crown chakras. The stone can open portals on opposite points of the body. With this white stone, our root chakras become fully connected to the earth and all the energy that it provides, while at the same time, we can stay in direct contact with our higher selves. It is scarce for all these connections to happen all at once. The howlite stone can also go a long way in helping your mind to quieten down and switch off the constant stream of noise that everyday life brings. It can initiate a sense of calm and contemplative silence, thus adequately preparing you to relax, unwind, and ensure that you get several restful hours of sleep.


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