Known as "the all purpose stone", Amethyst is a protective stone that helps to relieve stress and anxiety in your life, and the symptoms that accompany it, namely headaches, fatigues, and anxiety. It also aids in cell regeneration (supporting your bones and joints) and is reputed to improve your skin
Hold Smoky Quartz to relieve tension and stress, anxiety, or panic attacks; also to ward off negative thinking, and to eliminate worry and doubt when faced with chaos or confusion. To absorb misfortune, sorrow or seemingly impossible obstacles, hold faceted or natural points of Smoky Quartz in each hand pointed down toward the ground, then consciously release these negative energies to Mother Earth for cleansing and re purposing
Lapis lazuli is a stone of truth, encouraging truth in the spoken and written word and honesty in the spirit. It is also considered a stone of friendship and can help bring about harmony in any relationship and make it long-lasting.
Healing Crystal Palm stones are great for holding in your palm and using them to relax and reduce anxiety. They are also great to hold whilst mediating. This palm stone is made from Black Obsidian. A strongly protective stone, Black Obsidian is a powerful cleanser of your aura and has many metaphysical properties that will protect you against negativity. The energy of these stones has also been know to stimulate the gift of prophecy
A stabilizing stone, Carnelian restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success. Carnelian is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind. It helps in trusting yourself and your perceptions. It overcomes negative conditioning and encourages steadfastness. Carnelian improves analytic abilities and clarifies perception. It sharpens concentration and dispels mental lethargy. Protects against envy, rage and resentment. Calms anger, banishes emotional negativity and replaces it with a love of life. Carnelian boosts fertility and stimulates sexuality.
Blue Calcite is known as the stone of emotional intelligence. It can help us get a harmonious balance between the emotional and mental level, between emotions and intellect. Maintaining this balance is the key to a fulfilling and meaningful life.
This blue crystal is a mood booster and has several other wonderful properties too. The stone can improve spiritual awareness. The Angelite stone has an energy that is calming and can be soothing. In line with this, it can be successful at getting rid of feelings of fear, anxiety, and even of anger
Augelite has a lovely soothing vibration that may be utilised by placing it close to your upper body while resting. It also has tranquil, calming energy that enhances your sleep. Their energy will also stimulate you to dream more and experience powerful and evocative dreams. By helping you to release any bad feelings or anger towards your partner, their energy may be beneficial to help you if you have been having relationship problems.
The howlite stone is one of emotional healing. It has vibrations that directly resonate with the root and crown chakras. The stone can open portals on opposite points of the body. With this white stone, our root chakras become fully connected to the earth and all the energy that it provides, while at the same time, we can stay in direct contact with our higher selves. It is scarce for all these connections to happen all at once. The howlite stone can also go a long way in helping your mind to quieten down and switch off the constant stream of noise that everyday life brings. It can initiate a sense of calm and contemplative silence, thus adequately preparing you to relax, unwind, and ensure that you get several restful hours of sleep.