Physical Benefits
Amethyst helps with bruises and injuries, and it supports healthy lungs, respiratory system, ears, and digestive tract.
Amethyst brings balance to the endocrine system, which is the system in the body that is responsible for making hormones. hormonal imbalances play a big role in issues involving weight gain, PMS, acne, painful breasts, migraines, cellulite, loss of libido, disrupted menstrual cycles, menopause, and feeling burned out.
We can use the amethyst stone to optimize the performance of the entire endocrine system, which includes the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal glands, pineal body, reproductive glands, and pancreas.
Sitting or meditating next to an amethyst geode daily will help to strengthen the endocrine system and bring your hormones into better balance.
Emotional Healing
Provides stress relief, serving to reduce fear, anger, sadness, and anxiety, helping to handle our emotions with more ease during times when we feel them getting out of control. It calms or stimulates the mind according to what is needed now. No need to carry several crystals with you – all you need is amethyst to help you achieve the emotional state you want. Reduce scattered thoughts and help us focus, which in turn improves our memory. When our mind is calm, we can tune into things in a new, heightened way, and that makes everything easier.
Amethyst is an excellent crystal to use when you feel jittery or wound up. It will ease your muscles and instantly help you feel more relaxed and peaceful.
One of the biggest amethyst stone benefits is the improvement it makes in the decision-making process.
Weight Loss
Amethyst promotes weight loss in several ways. It balances metabolism so that the body can burn calories more efficiently. It also balances the hormones, which improves weight loss. And, it helps us more easily avoid bad habits, so we can stick to our diets, eat healthier foods, and exercise consistently.
Here are some effective ways to improve your weight loss efforts using amethyst:
- Practice yoga with amethyst. Hold tumbled amethyst stones in your hands as you perform yoga poses to enhance the weight loss effects of yoga.
- Carry a tumbled amethyst stone in your pocket to acclimate your body to the energy of the amethyst, thereby promoting weight loss.
- Meditate next to a giant amethyst geode to boost your commitment to your diet and fitness routine.
Detoxifies the Body
Because of its cleansing abilities, one of the leading amethyst stone benefits is detoxification.
It promotes cleansing of the body from the inside out. This includes the cleansing and opening of the chakras, the cleansing of the blood, and the removal of toxins from the body.
One of the most effective ways to detoxify the body using amethyst is to place a large amethyst geode in a room where you spend a lot of time so that your body can be surrounded by its cleansing energies regularly.
Reduces Headaches
Amethyst helps with pain relief in general, but especially headaches. Its soothing energy calms the pain and helps reduce two of the main causes of headaches: stress and fatigue.
To use amethyst to relieve a headache, lay down and place an amethyst tumbled stone on the area of the head where you are feeling the pain. Close your eyes and imagine the crystal healing your headache.
Reduces Insomnia
Since amethyst quiets the mind so effectively, it is a wonderful tool to have by your bedside or under your pillow if insomnia is an issue for you. As a bonus, amethyst also helps us remember dreams, and it wards off nightmares.
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