Rose Quartz Pendulum

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Rose Quartz is, usually referred to as the “love crystal”, is part of the Quartz family of crystals and gemstones. When tumbled, Rose Quartz ranges from very soft pink to a deeper pink. In its natural form, it appears to sparkle and can be somewhat translucent when held in Sunlight. There are often veins of lighter Rose Quartz that appear almost white.

It is possible to release emotional sorrow and pain through forgiveness. Love is soft, gentle, and nurturing, allowing you to heal at your own pace. As the soothing vibration of Rose Quartz resonates with your Heart Center, it begins to lovingly re-create sacred space within, reconnecting you with Divine Source Energy. In healing, you will be able to give and receive love first to you.

Learning to use your pendulum is easy, and it won’t take long before you master the skill. Practice does help, though, so in the beginning, start with easy questions to get the hang of it.

Healing properties:  emotional wounds, love, self-love, reduces tensions, increases self-confidence and promotes a sense of inner peace.

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