Natural Clear Quartz Points

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What Is Clear Quartz?

Clear quartz is a popular crystal, often used to strengthen the effect of other crystals, purify energy, and aid in manifestation. It is a transparent and colourless type of quartz that is a must for any crystal collector.

Meaning of Clear Quartz

Clear quartz can enhance mental clarity to help with emotional stability, and it is popular in meditation and vital work. It’s also often used for manifestation and can help create more focus and clarity around a desire.

It is a protective stone and can be used to amplify psychic abilities. It can help us see the truth of a situation, understand ourselves, and see problems from a new perspective.

Uses in Feng Shui

Amplify the Nourishment of Food

Because clear quartz has to purify, amplify energy, we often recommend placing it in a fridge or pantry. You want this food to nourish and support you, and clear quartz can enhance its ability to do so. Start by making sure your fridge or pantry is clean and free from any expired items, and then place a clear quartz stone here with intention.

Clear quartz can be an excellent stone to work within the Dui area of the feng shui bagua map, associated with completion and children. You might want to work with this area of your home or bedroom if you are having a hard time finishing projects or supporting your children. To find Dui, stand in the front entrance to your home or bedroom, and imagine a three-by-three grid laid over the space. The area on the centre-left is Dui.

In feng shui, we work with the five elements representing different energy types. Bringing specific details into your home is one way to cultivate certain qualities in your life. The metal element, for example, is connected to precision and focus. To invite more of this energy into your life, you can add items to your home that activate the metal element, including clear quartz. If you’d like to work with clear quartz in this way, charge your crystal with your intention to invite in these metal element qualities before placing it somewhere meaningful in your home.

Activate Your Meditation Area

Clear quartz is an excellent stone for meditation since it can enhance mental clarity and emotional stability. If you have a meditation space in your home, you may want to place a clear quartz crystal here. If you don’t have a meditation space but want to cultivate a meditation practice, consider this your invitation to carve out a dedicated area in your home. Even if it’s a small corner of your bedroom, a piece of clear quartz can be enthusiastic support and a physical reminder of your intention for this area.

Activate the Tai Qi, or Health Area

The centre of your home is called the Tai Qi, and it’s connected to your overall wellbeing. Because it’s in the centre, it also affects all other areas of your home and life. Likewise, taking care of yourself can make a big difference in how you show up in all aspects of your life, including your career, your relationships, and your family. To purify and activate the Tai qi, you can place a clear quartz crystal in the centre of your home or bedroom.

Wear Clear Quartz 

Feng shui isn’t just for your home. As feng shui practitioners, we also look at your qi or energy. One way to purify and protect your qi is to wear clear quartz on your body. This can also be a way to harness this crystal’s protective energy as you move through your day. You can carry clear quartz in your pocket or your purse or find a piece of jewellery that you would enjoy wearing. Remember to clear your crystal jewellery regularly, just like any healing stone.

Activate Your Beauty Cabinet

The items you use to groom and take care of yourself represent how you show up in the world, so it’s worth giving them extra attention. Like your fridge and pantry, you want first to make sure your beauty cabinet is clean and remove anything that is expired or no longer helpful to you. Then, activate the area by placing a clear quartz crystal in the centre.

Activate Your Home Office

Because clear quartz’s ability to enhance mental clarity and focus can be a great addition to a home office. Your office represents your career in feng shui, so it’s an important area to pay attention to if you’d like to energise or support this part of your life. Try placing a piece of clear quartz on your desk or a shelf in your workspace.



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